February 14, 2025:
We are currently experiencing frequent call drops on our business phones.
If you get disconnected, please call back. We are working to quickly resolve this issue.
We apologize for any inconvenience!!


If your Medicaid coverage has recently ended and you’ve had to reapply for coverage, the doctor currently assigned may drop off as your PCP (primary care physician).
We keep our PCP caseload closed so that we have enough PCP openings for our existing patients, but this means that when the Medicaid coverage is reinstated, Medicaid, DHS, and ConnectCare are not able to reassign our patients to our caseload.
IMPORTANT: If you contact Medicaid, DHS, or ConnectCare to be reassigned, you will probably be told that you have to choose another physician. However, If you are already an established patient at our clinic, in most cases you will be able to continue seeking your medical care at our clinic. To continue seeing our physicians, you need to contact our office to assist you in reassigning our physicians as your PCP instead of contacting Medicaid, DHS, or ConnectCare.
If you would like to continue to use Dr. Brashears or Dr. Brewer as your physician, PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE AT 501-315-0059.
Our staff will help you get our physician reassigned as your Medicaid PCP.
Please call us if you have any questions!
Patient Portal
Click here to access the Patient Portal.
If you don't have a portal account, please contact us to set up your account.
You cannot make a payment at this site. To pay your bill, please click one of the links to the right.
Click here to access the Patient Portal User Guide.
Pay Your Bill Online
To make a payment on your account with a checking account or debit/credit card, click on the button below to be redirected to our secure payment site.
If you are paying with CareCredit, please click on the button to the right -->.

Your experience matters to us!
We are dedicated to providing exceptional care and continually improving to meet your needs. Please take a few moments to share your feedback by completing our patient satisfaction survey. Your insights help us make a difference in your care.
Contact Us
722 N Main St
Benton, AR 72015
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun: Closed
(501) 315-0059
after hours for urgent matters,
please call (501) 778-7666